5 thoughts on “What is J Bitby”

  1. It should be called Bitcoin. Bitcoin (Bitcoin: Bitkin) was the earliest online virtual currency, similar to the Q coin category of Tencent, but it can already buy items in real life. It is characterized by decentralization, anonymous, can only be used in the digital world, does not belong to any country and financial institutions, and is not restricted by regional restrictions. It can be exchanged anywhere in the world, so some criminals are used as money laundering tools. In 2013, the US government acknowledged the legitimate status of Bitcoin, making Bitcoin prices rise sharply. In China, on November 19, 2013, a Bitcoin was equivalent to 6,989 yuan. There are more than 100 sellers selling this bitcoin and related products on Taobao.

  2. Bitcoin [1] (Bitcoin) is a P2P form digital currency. Point -to -point transmission means a decentralized payment system. Bitcoin does not rely on specific currency institutions. According to specific algorithms, it is generated by a large number of calculations. The Bitcoin economy uses a distributed database composed of many nodes in the entire P2P network to confirm and record all transactions. The decentralization characteristics and algorithms of P2P can ensure that the currency value cannot be manipulated by a large number of Bitcoin. Design based on cryptography can make Bitcoin only transfer or pay by real owners. This also ensures the anonymity of currency ownership and circulation transactions. [1]
    Bitcoin is a kind of network virtual currency, with a limited number, similar to the Q coin of Tencent, but it can be used to cash out: it can be exchanged for currency in most countries. You can use Bitcoin to buy some virtual items, such as clothes, hats, equipment, etc. in online games. As long as someone accepts it, you can also use Bitcoin to buy items in real life.
    The biggest difference between Bitcoin and other virtual currencies is that its total number is very limited and has a strong scarcity. There are only no more than 10.5 million in the first four years, and the total number will be permanently limited within 21 million. Another thing is that you can use a computer to produce Bitcoin. [1]

  3. Bitcoin is a network virtual currency with a limited number. It is similar to the Q coin of Tencent, but it can be used to cash: it can be exchanged for currency in most countries. You can use Bitcoin to buy some virtual items, such as clothes, hats, equipment, etc. in online games. As long as someone accepts it, you can also use Bitcoin to buy items in real life.

  4. A virtual currency, the People's Bank of China has issued an announcement saying that it is not the same as the economic attributes of ordinary currencies and cannot be used to measure the value of items.

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