The benefits and disadvantages of cat sterilization (the benefits of sterilization for cats)

1 thought on “The benefits and disadvantages of cat sterilization (the benefits of sterilization for cats)”

  1. 1. What are the benefits and disadvantages of having sterilization for cats.

    2. What are the benefits of giving cat sterilization.

    3. What are the benefits of cats for sterilization.

    4. What does it affect the cat for cats for cats.

    1. The advantage of doing sterilization for cats is mainly to reduce some pain caused by the estrus of the cat, and at the same time to prevent some elderly diseases, such as female cat’s uterine pus, ovarian cysts, and public cat’s scrotalitis. And epididymitis and other issues.

    2. Cats that are sterilized, and the life is relatively longer than a cat who does not do sterilization.

    3. After the sterilization, most cats will be more milder, not so irritable, and can eliminate some behaviors such as anxiety or loss of appetite and running due to estrus.

    . The disadvantage of sterilization for cats is mainly that surgery and anesthesia will have certain risks. If cats do have some potential problems, they may not be woken up during anesthesia surgery.

    5. The female cat may also have some intestinal adhesion, or the weight of the male cat will not be controlled after the sterilization of the male cat, and then it will rise quickly. burden.

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