4 thoughts on “Why do male cats do sterilization”

  1. The male cat needs sterilization surgery. Because the male cat's estrus is severe, and the non -sterilized male cats are susceptible to reproductive system diseases and breed too fast.
    1, the male cat's estrus period is severe.
    The odor of sex hormones in female cats has a wide range of diffusion. The sexual stimulation odor emitted from the female cat can make the calm male cat at home scratching the lungs and extremely excited.
    If the male cats near the home have not undergone sterilization surgery, then once they enter the estrus period, the entire street will not be peaceful.
    2, non -sterilized male cats are susceptible to reproductive system diseases.
    As the age increases, male cats are more likely to suffer from reproductive system diseases. By removing reproductive organs such as testicles, sterilization reduces related hormones. healthy.
    3, too fast breeding.
    I due to the very short reproductive cycle of the cat, usually once every three months of pregnancy. A cat ushered in the estrus period 3 to 4 times a year, and 2 to 6 cats can be produced once. The consequences of not sterilizing male cats are that the number of cats grows in index type each year, and it is a screaming on the street where the home is located in a few years.

    Ifangling male cats are susceptible to multiple diseases:
    Elderly male cats can easily develop diseases such as orchitis, testicular tumors, prostate hypertrophy, urinary system blockage and other diseases Essence
    . Gong cats are more likely to suffer from terrible FIP (cat infectious peritonitis). Gong cats with non -sterilization are greater risk, because of sex hormones, especiallyrogen, have a negative impact on the immune system, which increases virus proliferation and increased virus proliferation and Risk of mutation.

  2. To satisfy human preferences, first of all, we need to know that sterilization surgery is physiological surgery rather than pathological surgery, that is, this surgery does not have to do. No one forced to ask for this operation, so male cat sterilization is a preference for a breeder. So what are these preferences? Generally, there are the following points. First, the opportunity to urinate everywhere in male cats is the first time that some male cats who are in estrus may be diuretic at home. Sterilization can indeed reduce the probability of some cats at home. Second, prevent abnormal behavior that will occur during the estrus and cats. Third, I hope to gain weight. Many people think that fat cats are more cute, so they want to achieve this goal through sterilization surgery. Fourth, change the personality, and some cats that are too sensitive and tense and even fierce are indeed possible to change the personality after sterilization surgery. People who raise cats in the world have different habits and personality. Some people can bear these problems mentioned above, and some people cannot stand it, so those who can't stand them chose to sterilize the cat. In the final analysis, they still want to satisfy their own own. Together.

  3. The advantage of doing sterilization for cats is mainly to reduce the pain caused by the estrus of the cat, and at the same time, it can prevent some older diseases, such as public cat's scrotalitis and epididymia.
    has a sterilized cat, and his life will be relatively longer than cats who do not do sterilization. After the sterilization, most cats will be more milder, not so irritable, and can eliminate some behaviors such as anxiety or loss of appetite and running caused by the estrus.

    The disadvantage of sterilization for cats is mainly that surgery and anesthesia will have certain risks. If the cat does have some potential problems, it may not be woke up during anesthesia surgery.
    It male cats will not be controlled after sterilization, and then rises quickly, and it will easily cause some burden on the heart and lungs.

  4. Firstly, the opportunity to urinate everywhere in male cats, because some male cats who are in estrus may be diuretic at home, and sterilization can indeed reduce the probability of clustering some cats at home.
    Secondly, prevent abnormal behavior that will occur when you run away from home and call cats.
    Third, I hope to gain weight. Many people think that fat cats are more cute, so they want to achieve this goal through sterilization surgery.

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