3 thoughts on “How is the shares calculated”

  1. Equity calculation formula: Number of equity = total share capital*shareholding ratio. New total share capital = old share capital = new stock. Investment amount = subscription shares*price per share. The shareholding ratio = personal shareholding ÷ total share capital. Equity is a comprehensive right to reflect the shareholders’ personal and property rights and interests of the company. The greater the number of equity, the greater its power.

  2. Generally, the price calculation of the share transfer needs to be judged objectively. Objectively, the company’s asset assessment, operating profit, cash flow, etc. can reflect the objective and true data of the company’s overall strength; subjectively, it will mainly be based on the current profitability of the company, the future profitability and market prospects of the company. Come to comprehensive judgment.
    It briefly give an example, for example, the current total net asset value of a company is 10 million yuan. This company will issue shares and expected to issue full shares. Then it is 10 million yuan. In the case of yuan, it is 0.5 yuan per share, that is, the price of each shares = to initiate the total amount of the shares/the number of shares that will issue shares.
    The share ratio of the holder = the total number of shares held/the total number of shares held*100%.

  3. Pay content for time limit to check for freenAnswer Hello, I have seen your consultation questions, and you are sorting out the answer. Please wait a few minutes.nNumber of equity = total shares*shareholding ratio. New total share capital = old share capital = new stock. Investment amount = subscription shares*price per share. Holding ratio = Personal shareholding ÷ total share capitalnAsk our total registration of 1 million, there are 40%of my shares in it, and I don’t know how to divide the law.nAnswer, for example, the total registered capital of the shareholding is 1 million, and the capital contributed 400,000. The shareholding ratio is 40/100, which is 40%. Except for shareholders or articles of association. The dividend at the end of the year also follows this rationMore 2nBleak

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