Can the currency circle Xiaobai play the LTC perpetual contract on OKEX? 4 Comments / Default / By huanggs
Johnnie December 3, 2022 at 2:29 am Yes, but now the risk of perpetual contracts is very high. It is not recommended that Xiaobai contact at the beginning. You can contact China currency network 3 times leverage. Start contact with low times, safe and stable. Reply
Violet December 3, 2022 at 2:29 am A kind of leverage for ZB, leverage trading operation is simple, easy to understand, can control losses in time Reply
No problem, pay attention to risks, and timely loses profit.
To understand the rules first
Yes, but now the risk of perpetual contracts is very high. It is not recommended that Xiaobai contact at the beginning. You can contact China currency network 3 times leverage. Start contact with low times, safe and stable.
A kind of leverage for ZB, leverage trading operation is simple, easy to understand, can control losses in time