4 thoughts on “What is the difference between Alipay's guardian gold and mutual assistance?”

  1. The main differences between Alipay's guardian gold and mutual aids are:
    1, different meanings:

    Mebao is a major disease -assisted group that can be added for free. Alipay Guardian Gold is a major illness insurance launched by Alipay.
    2. Different application conditions:
    The gold protection application has advance conditions. Alipay users need to be diagnosed with severe diseases diagnosed by public hospitals above the second level. The critical illness includes malignant tumors 99 major diseases. If the user confirms the malignant tumor 99 major diseases for the first time, you can receive the guardian gold with Alipay. After the review is approved, the user will confirm the accumulated gold deposit on the day of the bank card.
    The mutual aid application is that if someone is sick, you can receive a maximum of 300,000 yuan of mutual assistance, that is, the mutual assistance benefits are allocated by the members of the mutual treasure. Everyone pays. "
    3, the amount is different:
    The mutual aid money is paid by members of the mutual treasure, so the amount is uncertain. And gold protection is the guardian gold accumulated by users. Then take the guardian gold to Alipay, and after the review is approved, the user will confirm the accumulated protection gold to the bank card provided on the day.
    Reference materials Source: Phoenix.com-Alipay launching an elderly version of mutual treasures with cancer can apply for a maximum of 100,000 mutual aid
    Reference data Source: People's Daily-Alipay's major disease mutual assistance plan "mutual treasure" is over 50 million
    Reference materials Source: Beijing Commercial Daily-Alipay online "Senior Edition Mutual Treasure" can apply for up to 100,000 yuan mutual assistance

  2. Mutual Bao is a group of major illnesses that can be added to Alipay for free. If someone is sick, it can receive a maximum of 300,000 yuan in mutual assistance, and the mutual assistance benefits are allocated by members of the mutual treasure. The a single member's assistance does not exceed 1 cents, which is equivalent to "one person is sick, everyone pays money." Aimed at the anti-cancer mutual aid group for the elderly 60-70 years old. Once the elderly are sick, according to the degree of illness, they can apply for a mutual assistance of 50,000 yuan or 100,000 yuan, and a single member's assistance does not exceed 1 yuan.
    Tebao Guardian Gold is a major illness insurance launched by Alipay. Guardian gold application has early conditions. Alipay users need to be diagnosed with severe diseases diagnosed by public hospitals above the second level. The critical illness includes malignant tumors 99 major diseases. If the user confirms the malignant tumor 99 major diseases for the first time, you can receive the guardian gold with Alipay. After the review is approved, the user will confirm the accumulated gold deposit on the day of the bank card.

  3. Alipay's guardian gold. It refers to buying for yourself. And mutual aid. It refers to the amount of helping others. It is flowing.

  4. Guardian gold can be used in general hospitalization. Mutual aid is a special fund for 100 major diseases. If you look at the rules, you will understand it.

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