VISA recharge Alipay

Working overseas, I want to recharge Alipay to buy something for domestic parents. Can I use VISA to recharge Alipay?

2 thoughts on “VISA recharge Alipay”

  1. Without it as troublesome downstairs, you can go to the side of the website. I have used KA-CN, Kale,, and I can use
    visa to recharge Alipay, support multinational currency, and support VISA , AE, Master and other payment methods! And can use foreign currency to recharge domestic game cards, Q coins, etc.!

  2. VISA // JCB card issued by the global (except Washington State). Only supporting personal bank cards and not supporting company type bank cards. Currently supporting Tmall (Taobao Mall) and Taobao markets, temporarily only support physical products (pre -sale categories do not support, Tmall International’s transactions do not support); some external merchants.

    The following is the URL of Alipay to help page -related issues. It is recommended that you refer to: Help_id = 253689

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