5 thoughts on “What are the commonly used shortcuts for 3DMAX?”
F1 -Help f2 -Add the surface of the selected object (switch) f3 -. Frame display (switch)/smooth and bright f4 -. (Switch) f5 -constraint to X -axis f6 -restricted to Y axis f7 —. ) f9 -Rendering with the previous configuration (rendering the previous view of the previously rendered) f10 -Open the rendering menu f11 -Open the script editor f12 -Open the mobile and mobile /Rotate/Scaling and other precise data input dialog box ` —— Refresh all views 1 -Enter 1 layer of object level 2 -enter the object level 2 layer 3 -enter the object to enter the object Level 3 layers 4 -Enter the 4th layer of object level shift 4 -enter the pointing light view 5 -enter the object level 5 layer alt 6 — show/hidden Main Toolbar 7 -Calculate the number of polygonal noodles (switches) of the selected polygon 8 -Open the environmental effect editing box 9 -. Rendering texture dialog box alt 0-. Locking the toolbar interface defined by the user – (main keyboard) -Re reduction of the coordinate display (main keyboard)-increase the coordinate display display [—— A magnitude of the mouse point ] —— Reduce the view of the mouse point as the center ‘ -Open the custom (animation) key frame mode Sound “,” —— jump to the previous frame . -Wef up one frame after jump /—— Play/stop animation Space — R NInsert -Switching the level of the secondary object (the same as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 keys) home -the first frame of jump to the timeline end One frame page up -Choose the parent object of the current sub -object page down -choose the sub -object of the current parent object CTRL PAGE DOWN -select all sub -objects below the current parent object r r r r r r r a -Rotating angle capture switches (default 5 degrees) CTRL A —— Select all objects alt A —— Use Align (Align) tool b —— Switch to the end r CTRL B -Sub -object selection (switch) alt B -view background options alt ctrl B -background picture lock (switch) shift Alt Ctrl B -Update background image c -switch to camera view shift c -display/hidden camera object (Cameras) ctrl C —— let the camera view be aligned to perspective to perspective Figure alt C ——. Perform surface cutting d —— Frozen current view (not refreshing view) ctrl d —— Cancel ne -Rotating mode CTRL E -Switching the zoom mode (switching equivalent, uneven, equal volume) is the same as the R key alt e —— Switch to the front view CTRL F —— Display rendering safety box alt f —— Switch selection mode (rectangular, round, polygon, custom. Same as q key) ctrl alt f ——The FETCH G -Hide the auxiliary grid of the current view shift g Geometry) (non -auxiliary) H -display selection object list menu shift h -display/hidden auxiliary object (Helpers) ctrl h —— Use Place Highlight tools ctrl alt h —— Purchase the current scene into the cache (HOLD) i —— Transfer vision to the center point of the mouse shift i -placing objects at intervals ctrl i – – Reverse selection j -Show the virtual box of the selected object (in the perspective, camera view view) k —— Pay keyframe L -switch to the left view SHIFT L -Show/Hide All Lights CTRL L —— Use the default light (switch) m in the current view —— Open the material editor ctrl M Object n -Open the automatic (animation) key frame mode ctrl n -new file alt n – (Use the wire frame method when moving) CTRL O -Open the file p -Switch to a large perspective () view shift p —— hidden/display ion (particle systems) Object ctrl p -Transfer the current view alt p -At the border level, the selected Poly object cap shift ctrl p -percentage (switch) q -Selection mode (switching rectangular, round, polygon, custom) shift Q -Quick rendering alt q —— isolation selected objects R -zoom mode (zoom mode ( Switching equivalent, unequal ratio, equal volume) CTRL R -rotating the current view s -capture network grid (method requires custom) shift s -hidden line segment CTRL S -Save file alt s -Capture cycle t -switch to the top view u -change to a large user (User) view CTRL V —— Objects selected in place clone W -Mobile mode shift W -hidden/display space twisted objects ctrl w — View (switch) x -showing/hidden objects (GIZMO) ctrl x -professional mode (maximum view) alt x -translucent display selected objects y -Show/Hide Toolbar shift y -Re -the operation of the operation of the current view (translation, scaling, rotation) ctrl y — redo the scene (object) r r z -enlarge the objects selected in each view (the selected object selected by each view) shift z -restore the operation of the current view (translation, scaling, rotation) CTRL Z —— Restore the operation of the scene (object) alt z -The drag and drop mode of the view (amplifier) shift ctrl z ) alt ctrl z -Aprication of all objects in the current view (maximize display all objects) -mobile extension information
software advantages : 1, high cost performance First of all, 3DS MAX has a very good performance price ratio. The powerful function it provides far exceeds its low price. Generally, the general production company can bear it. In this way, the production cost of the work can be greatly reduced, and its requirements for the hardware system are relatively low. Generally, ordinary configuration can meet the needs of learning. 2. There are many users, which is convenient for communication The users who have the most domestic users in China, which is convenient for communication. There are many tutorials on the Internet. With the popularity of the Internet, the forum on the 3D MAX forum is also very popular in China in China. Essence 3, easy to get started Secondly, the question that beginners are more concerned about whether 3D MAX is easy to get started. So don’t be frightened by its dilemma. As long as your operation ideas are clear, it is very easy to get started. The follow -up high version is very simple in operating, and the optimization of the operation is more conducive to the learning of beginners. Holding features:
1. Low configuration requirements based on the PC system; 2, installation plug -in (Plugins) can provide functions that 3D STUDIO MAX (such as 3ds Max 6 version 6 version 6 In the past, it did not provide hair function) and enhanced the original functions; 3, powerful characters’ animation production capabilities; 4, stacking modeling steps, making the production model very elastic. Reference materials: Baidu Encyclopedia-3DMAX shortcut
1. Common shortcut keys: 2. [Mouse key]: Transfer motion. 3. 4. 5. [Ctrl Z]: Restore the previous step. 6. [Ctrl Y]: Repeat the previous step. 7. [Ctrl A]: All selected. 8. [Ctrl I]: Anti -selection. 9. [G]: Grid switch. 10. [F]: Pre -view. 11. [T]: top view. 12. [L]: Left view. 13. [B]: The bottom view. 14. [Alt W]: Maximize display view. 15. [Ctrl C]: Adapt the camera to the view. 16. [Alt Q]: Display the currently selected objects and maximize it on the view, and other objects disappear temporarily. 17. [C]: The selected view is converted to the camera view. 18. [W]: displacement. 19. [E]: Rotate. 20. [R]: Shielding.
The 3DMAX shortcut keys are the basis of fast modeling. Most of the default 3D shortcut keys cannot use it, and the default 3D shortcut key settings are not very reasonable, such as Some unusual command software is default to have shortcut keys, but most people usually do not use it, so that the keyboard key is occupied. So I set a set of 3D shortcuts by myself. Part of the 3D shortcut keys are the software default, and part of them need to be set. The position arrangement of each shortcut key will not be too large, and most of them have memory methods. Hope to help everyone.
Basic operations: W: Move (W. W -like legs of fat people, meaning moving) r: Scaling e: Rotate (lowercase E like a thread that is constantly rotating around the center) c: TRL A full selection (all A-ALL) CTRL I: Counterfeit alt i: Select according to the color of the line frame At this time, a list of the name of the display object will pop up. On the right side of D, contact alt D to record) y: Hide selection objects (y-yin hidden) v: All cancel the hidden (V and Y, the two letters are very related, contact Y together Remember) shift i: interval tool (interval copy is to copy along the path, i can imagine that path) shift v: mirror image (v about to side symmetry, symmetrical symbol image image) s: Capture开关rnA:角度捕捉开关(A像一个角度的符号)rnShift Z:转换为可编辑多边形rnShift C:转换为可编辑样条线rnJ:显示/ Hidden object frame m: Open the material editor : magnify GZIMO -: Reduce GZIMO 1: Switch to object sub-level 1 2: Switch to object sub-level 2 2 3: Switch to objects level 3 4: Switch to object sub -level 4 5: Switch to object sub -level 5 Twiling: Lock x: Display/Hide GZIMO GZIMO F9: Rendering : Alt 1 Solution group: Alt 2 Open group: Alt 3
View port: p: Fighting view f: FRONT (front view) L: Left view (left view left) u: right view (U harmonic right) r r r r r r t: Top view (top top) b: base view (B is like a feet, the feet are the bottom of the human body) i: View port translation z: Maximize display (Z-ZUI most most ) alt q: Isolate the current selection alt w: maximize the viewport switching g: display/hidden grid f3: wire frame/entity switch f4: display/display/ Hidden edge
Table polygon: shift R: border circulation (Round circular) shift E: The edge ring (the ring is a circle spread, E removes a vertical on the left vertical vertical It happens to be “three rings”) alt A: Connect to the vertex (A is the pointed pointed is a point, S is like a side line, D is like a polygonal surface. The adjacent ASD on the keyboard is on behalf of the pointer line) a LT S: Connecting edges (A is a pointed pointed is a point, S is like a side line, and D looks like a polygonal surface. The adjacent ASD on the keyboard is on behalf of the pointer line) shift a: convert to a vertex (A is a pointed point is a point, S is like a side line, D is like a polygonal surface. The adjacent ASD on the keyboard is adjacent to the keyboard.分别代指点线面)Shift S:转换到边(A是尖的尖头就是一个点,S像一条边线,D像一个多边形面。键盘上相邻的ASD分别代指点线面)r NSHIFT D: Converted to the surface (A is the pointed pointed is a point, S is like a side line, D is like a polygonal surface. The adjacent ASD on the keyboard is on behalf of the pointer line) alt y: Hidden selection The fixed part (y-yin hidden) alt u: All cancel the hidden (u on the keyboard U is on the right of y, contact alt y to keep it together) alt L: target welding point When the vertex target welding operation, a dynamic dotted line will be emitted from the starting point. L lowercase L can be used as this dynamic dotted line) alt c: shear You can edit the polygonal surface) alt , and: additional (adding is to associate with each other, the comma is not finished in one sentence, there is association before and after) alt . : Separation (separation is to completely separate each other into separate parts, the ending is finished, the end two sentences are separate parts) alt /: collapsed The subdivision is that the turbine inside the polygon is smooth, o is exactly very round)
R nshift . : Separation (alt . Editable separation in polygon) shift :: refinement (refinement is to add points on the sample line, there are four points on the button on the colon, indicating that there are many points)
1. Find the custom interface CustomizeUser IntelFace in the MAX menu; 2, each command is mostly corresponding shortcut keys, you can set it according to your own habits; 3, remove shortcut key operations; 4. Enter the command to set the keyboard directly on the hotKey, and set it in assign; 5, click Save to save MAX shortcut keys to the need for saved, the MAX shortcut key file is in KBD as the suffix; 6. At this time, the path will appear files with KBD as the suffix, so that you can load it on another computer; 7, Write Keyboard Chart Write the keyboard to save it with TXT files. After opening it MAX shortcut keys;
During the picture, I do n’t know if you often use shortcut keys? Here is the editor of Houxue.com. Some of the more commonly used 3D MAX shortcuts. I hope everyone can come in handy.
Capons for commonly used shortcuts
[Mouse key] Transfer motion
[alt mouse key] Rotating view
[Alt Ctrl Mouse Bond in Mouse] The magnification of the view
[Ctrl Z] to restore the previous step
[ctrl y] Repeat the step
[Ctrl A] All select [CTRL I] Counterfeit
[G] Grid switching
[f] Pre -view
[T] Top view
[L] Left view
[B] Bottom view
[alt w] Maximize display view
[Ctrl C] The camera is adapted to the view
[Alt Q] isolate the currently selected object and maximize it on the view. Other objects temporarily disappear and display Essence
[C] Convert the selected view to the camera view
[W] displacement
[E] rotation n n n n n n n n n n n R n [R] A shrink
[O] Display downgrade adaptation (switch)
[V] Open the view shortcut to switch menu, select the view to switch.
[ ] Zoom in the axis
[-] Reduce the coordinate shaft
[Ctrl ATL Z] in the current view completely displayed all objects in the current view completely displayed all objects in the current view.
[Z] In the current view, the selected object is completely displayed
[shift left mouse button] Copy one or more objects
[Ctrl left mouse button] Add selection
[Alt left mouse button] Reduce selection
[h] menu selection object n [m] display display Material editor
[n] Open the animation record button
[/?] Play animation
[f3] physical display and wire frame display Switch
[F4] wire frame display
[F9] Quickly rendering
[F10] Display rendering menu [] zoomed in or doubled respectively View display
F1 -Help
f2 -Add the surface of the selected object (switch)
f3 -. Frame display (switch)/smooth and bright
f4 -. (Switch)
f5 -constraint to X -axis
f6 -restricted to Y axis
f7 —. )
f9 -Rendering with the previous configuration (rendering the previous view of the previously rendered)
f10 -Open the rendering menu
f11 -Open the script editor
f12 -Open the mobile and mobile /Rotate/Scaling and other precise data input dialog box
` —— Refresh all views
1 -Enter 1 layer of object level
2 -enter the object level 2 layer
3 -enter the object to enter the object Level 3 layers
4 -Enter the 4th layer of object level
shift 4 -enter the pointing light view
5 -enter the object level 5 layer
alt 6 — show/hidden Main Toolbar
7 -Calculate the number of polygonal noodles (switches) of the selected polygon
8 -Open the environmental effect editing box
9 -. Rendering texture dialog box
alt 0-. Locking the toolbar interface defined by the user
– (main keyboard) -Re reduction of the coordinate display
(main keyboard)-increase the coordinate display display
[—— A magnitude of the mouse point
] —— Reduce the view of the mouse point as the center
‘ -Open the custom (animation) key frame mode
“,” —— jump to the previous frame
. -Wef up one frame after jump
/—— Play/stop animation
Space — R NInsert -Switching the level of the secondary object (the same as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 keys)
home -the first frame of jump to the timeline
end One frame
page up -Choose the parent object of the current sub -object
page down -choose the sub -object of the current parent object
CTRL PAGE DOWN -select all sub -objects below the current parent object r r r r r r r
a -Rotating angle capture switches (default 5 degrees)
CTRL A —— Select all objects
alt A —— Use Align (Align) tool
b —— Switch to the end r
CTRL B -Sub -object selection (switch)
alt B -view background options
alt ctrl B -background picture lock (switch)
shift Alt Ctrl B -Update background image
c -switch to camera view
shift c -display/hidden camera object (Cameras)
ctrl C —— let the camera view be aligned to perspective to perspective Figure
alt C ——. Perform surface cutting
d —— Frozen current view (not refreshing view)
ctrl d —— Cancel ne -Rotating mode
CTRL E -Switching the zoom mode (switching equivalent, uneven, equal volume) is the same as the R key
alt e —— Switch to the front view
CTRL F —— Display rendering safety box
alt f —— Switch selection mode (rectangular, round, polygon, custom. Same as q key)
ctrl alt f ——The FETCH
G -Hide the auxiliary grid of the current view
shift g Geometry) (non -auxiliary)
H -display selection object list menu
shift h -display/hidden auxiliary object (Helpers)
ctrl h —— Use Place Highlight tools
ctrl alt h —— Purchase the current scene into the cache (HOLD)
i —— Transfer vision to the center point of the mouse
shift i -placing objects at intervals
ctrl i – – Reverse selection
j -Show the virtual box of the selected object (in the perspective, camera view view)
k —— Pay keyframe
L -switch to the left view
SHIFT L -Show/Hide All Lights
CTRL L —— Use the default light (switch)
m in the current view —— Open the material editor
ctrl M Object
n -Open the automatic (animation) key frame mode
ctrl n -new file
alt n – (Use the wire frame method when moving)
CTRL O -Open the file
p -Switch to a large perspective () view
shift p —— hidden/display ion (particle systems) Object
ctrl p -Transfer the current view
alt p -At the border level, the selected Poly object cap
shift ctrl p -percentage (switch)
q -Selection mode (switching rectangular, round, polygon, custom)
shift Q -Quick rendering
alt q —— isolation selected objects
R -zoom mode (zoom mode ( Switching equivalent, unequal ratio, equal volume)
CTRL R -rotating the current view
s -capture network grid (method requires custom)
shift s -hidden line segment
CTRL S -Save file
alt s -Capture cycle
t -switch to the top view
u -change to a large user (User) view
CTRL V —— Objects selected in place clone
W -Mobile mode
shift W -hidden/display space twisted objects
ctrl w — View (switch)
x -showing/hidden objects (GIZMO)
ctrl x -professional mode (maximum view)
alt x -translucent display selected objects
y -Show/Hide Toolbar
shift y -Re -the operation of the operation of the current view (translation, scaling, rotation)
ctrl y — redo the scene (object) r r
z -enlarge the objects selected in each view (the selected object selected by each view)
shift z -restore the operation of the current view (translation, scaling, rotation)
CTRL Z —— Restore the operation of the scene (object)
alt z -The drag and drop mode of the view (amplifier)
shift ctrl z )
alt ctrl z -Aprication of all objects in the current view (maximize display all objects)
extension information
software advantages :
1, high cost performance
First of all, 3DS MAX has a very good performance price ratio. The powerful function it provides far exceeds its low price. Generally, the general production company can bear it. In this way, the production cost of the work can be greatly reduced, and its requirements for the hardware system are relatively low. Generally, ordinary configuration can meet the needs of learning.
2. There are many users, which is convenient for communication
The users who have the most domestic users in China, which is convenient for communication. There are many tutorials on the Internet. With the popularity of the Internet, the forum on the 3D MAX forum is also very popular in China in China. Essence
3, easy to get started
Secondly, the question that beginners are more concerned about whether 3D MAX is easy to get started. So don’t be frightened by its dilemma. As long as your operation ideas are clear, it is very easy to get started. The follow -up high version is very simple in operating, and the optimization of the operation is more conducive to the learning of beginners.
Holding features:
1. Low configuration requirements based on the PC system;
2, installation plug -in (Plugins) can provide functions that 3D STUDIO MAX (such as 3ds Max 6 version 6 version 6 In the past, it did not provide hair function) and enhanced the original functions;
3, powerful characters’ animation production capabilities;
4, stacking modeling steps, making the production model very elastic.
Reference materials: Baidu Encyclopedia-3DMAX shortcut
1. Common shortcut keys:
2. [Mouse key]: Transfer motion.
5. [Ctrl Z]: Restore the previous step.
6. [Ctrl Y]: Repeat the previous step.
7. [Ctrl A]: All selected.
8. [Ctrl I]: Anti -selection.
9. [G]: Grid switch.
10. [F]: Pre -view.
11. [T]: top view.
12. [L]: Left view.
13. [B]: The bottom view.
14. [Alt W]: Maximize display view.
15. [Ctrl C]: Adapt the camera to the view.
16. [Alt Q]: Display the currently selected objects and maximize it on the view, and other objects disappear temporarily.
17. [C]: The selected view is converted to the camera view.
18. [W]: displacement.
19. [E]: Rotate.
20. [R]: Shielding.
A good set of custom 3DMAX shortcuts!
The 3DMAX shortcut keys are the basis of fast modeling. Most of the default 3D shortcut keys cannot use it, and the default 3D shortcut key settings are not very reasonable, such as Some unusual command software is default to have shortcut keys, but most people usually do not use it, so that the keyboard key is occupied. So I set a set of 3D shortcuts by myself. Part of the 3D shortcut keys are the software default, and part of them need to be set. The position arrangement of each shortcut key will not be too large, and most of them have memory methods. Hope to help everyone.
Basic operations: W: Move (W. W -like legs of fat people, meaning moving)
r: Scaling
e: Rotate (lowercase E like a thread that is constantly rotating around the center)
c: TRL A full selection (all A-ALL)
CTRL I: Counterfeit
alt i: Select according to the color of the line frame At this time, a list of the name of the display object will pop up. On the right side of D, contact alt D to record)
y: Hide selection objects (y-yin hidden)
v: All cancel the hidden (V and Y, the two letters are very related, contact Y together Remember)
shift i: interval tool (interval copy is to copy along the path, i can imagine that path)
shift v: mirror image (v about to side symmetry, symmetrical symbol image image)
s: Capture开关rnA:角度捕捉开关(A像一个角度的符号)rnShift Z:转换为可编辑多边形rnShift C:转换为可编辑样条线rnJ:显示/ Hidden object frame
m: Open the material editor
: magnify GZIMO
-: Reduce GZIMO
1: Switch to object sub-level 1
2: Switch to object sub-level 2 2
3: Switch to objects level 3
4: Switch to object sub -level 4
5: Switch to object sub -level 5
Twiling: Lock
x: Display/Hide GZIMO GZIMO
F9: Rendering
: Alt 1
Solution group: Alt 2
Open group: Alt 3
View port:
p: Fighting view
f: FRONT (front view)
L: Left view (left view left)
u: right view (U harmonic right) r r r r r r
t: Top view (top top)
b: base view (B is like a feet, the feet are the bottom of the human body)
i: View port translation
z: Maximize display (Z-ZUI most most )
alt q: Isolate the current selection
alt w: maximize the viewport switching
g: display/hidden grid
f3: wire frame/entity switch
f4: display/display/ Hidden edge
Table polygon:
shift R: border circulation (Round circular)
shift E: The edge ring (the ring is a circle spread, E removes a vertical on the left vertical vertical It happens to be “three rings”)
alt A: Connect to the vertex (A is the pointed pointed is a point, S is like a side line, D is like a polygonal surface. The adjacent ASD on the keyboard is on behalf of the pointer line)
a LT S: Connecting edges (A is a pointed pointed is a point, S is like a side line, and D looks like a polygonal surface. The adjacent ASD on the keyboard is on behalf of the pointer line)
shift a: convert to a vertex (A is a pointed point is a point, S is like a side line, D is like a polygonal surface. The adjacent ASD on the keyboard is adjacent to the keyboard.分别代指点线面)Shift S:转换到边(A是尖的尖头就是一个点,S像一条边线,D像一个多边形面。键盘上相邻的ASD分别代指点线面)r NSHIFT D: Converted to the surface (A is the pointed pointed is a point, S is like a side line, D is like a polygonal surface. The adjacent ASD on the keyboard is on behalf of the pointer line)
alt y: Hidden selection The fixed part (y-yin hidden)
alt u: All cancel the hidden (u on the keyboard U is on the right of y, contact alt y to keep it together)
alt L: target welding point When the vertex target welding operation, a dynamic dotted line will be emitted from the starting point. L lowercase L can be used as this dynamic dotted line)
alt c: shear You can edit the polygonal surface)
alt , and: additional (adding is to associate with each other, the comma is not finished in one sentence, there is association before and after)
alt . : Separation (separation is to completely separate each other into separate parts, the ending is finished, the end two sentences are separate parts)
alt /: collapsed The subdivision is that the turbine inside the polygon is smooth, o is exactly very round)
R nshift . : Separation (alt . Editable separation in polygon)
shift :: refinement (refinement is to add points on the sample line, there are four points on the button on the colon, indicating that there are many points)
1. Find the custom interface CustomizeUser IntelFace in the MAX menu;
2, each command is mostly corresponding shortcut keys, you can set it according to your own habits;
3, remove shortcut key operations;
4. Enter the command to set the keyboard directly on the hotKey, and set it in assign;
5, click Save to save MAX shortcut keys to the need for saved, the MAX shortcut key file is in KBD as the suffix;
6. At this time, the path will appear files with KBD as the suffix, so that you can load it on another computer;
7, Write Keyboard Chart Write the keyboard to save it with TXT files. After opening it MAX shortcut keys;
During the picture, I do n’t know if you often use shortcut keys? Here is the editor of Houxue.com. Some of the more commonly used 3D MAX shortcuts. I hope everyone can come in handy.
Capons for commonly used shortcuts
[Mouse key] Transfer motion
[alt mouse key] Rotating view
[Alt Ctrl Mouse Bond in Mouse] The magnification of the view
[Ctrl Z] to restore the previous step
[ctrl y] Repeat the step
[Ctrl A] All select [CTRL I] Counterfeit
[G] Grid switching
[f] Pre -view
[T] Top view
[L] Left view
[B] Bottom view
[alt w] Maximize display view
[Ctrl C] The camera is adapted to the view
[Alt Q] isolate the currently selected object and maximize it on the view. Other objects temporarily disappear and display Essence
[C] Convert the selected view to the camera view
[W] displacement
[E] rotation
n n n n n n n n n n n R n [R] A shrink
[O] Display downgrade adaptation (switch)
[V] Open the view shortcut to switch menu, select the view to switch.
[ ] Zoom in the axis
[-] Reduce the coordinate shaft
[Ctrl ATL Z] in the current view completely displayed all objects in the current view completely displayed all objects in the current view.
[Z] In the current view, the selected object is completely displayed
[shift left mouse button] Copy one or more objects
[Ctrl left mouse button] Add selection
[Alt left mouse button] Reduce selection
[h] menu selection object
n [m] display display Material editor
[n] Open the animation record button
[/?] Play animation
[f3] physical display and wire frame display Switch
[F4] wire frame display
[F9] Quickly rendering
[F10] Display rendering menu [] zoomed in or doubled respectively View display
Material m
The largest choice of Z
full screen Ctrl alt z
n view mode Ctrl x
maximize Alt W
rendering shift q =
F9 view switching F3 display downgraded adaptation (switch)
[O] Adapt to seeing the Gabit
[shift] [ctrl] [A] arrangement
[alt] [a] angle capture ( Switch)
[A] Animation mode (switch)
[n] Change to the rear view
[K] background lock (switch)
[alt] [ctrl] [B] The unit in the previous time
[.] The next time unit
[,] change to the change to Upper (top) view
[T] Change to the end (bottom) view
[B] change to the camera (Camera) view
[C ] Change to the front (FRONT) view
[F] Change to a large user (User) view
[u] change to the right (Right) view
[R] Change to see to see () Figure
[P] Cycling changing selection method
[ctrl] [f] default light (switch)
[Ctrl] [L] Delete objects
[DEL] The current view temporarily fails
[D] Whether the geometric body frame (switch) shows
[Ctrl] [E] Display the first toolbar
[alt] [1] Special Home mode (switch)
[Ctrl] [x] Temporary (HOLD) scene
[alt] [ctrl] [h] Return (h] Return ( Fetch) scene
[alt] [ctrl] [f] Frozen the selected object
[6] jump to the last frame
[END] Jump to the first frame
[HOME] display/hidden camera (Cameras)
[shift] [C] display/hidden geometry (geometry)
[shift] [O] Display/Hidden grid (GRIDS)
[G] Show/Hidden Help (Helpers)
[Shift ] [H] Show/Hide/Hispite (LIGHTS)
[shift] [L] display/hidden particle system (PARTICLE SYSTEMS)
[shift] [P. P ] Display/Hide Space Twistor (Space Warps) objects
[shift] [w] lock the user interface (switch)
[alt] [0] matching to the camera to the camera (Camera) View
[Ctrl] [C] Material (Material) editor
[M] Maximize