2 thoughts on “What does CRE in the Basic Currency B = C R E in currency banking mean?”
B: Central Bank of China Basic Currency, B1: Foreign Exchange Occupation, B2: Government Bond, B3: Re -loan, re -discounting, B4: central bank bill balance, C: currency, R: legal reserve, E: excess reserve. b = B1 B2 B3-B4 = CRE. The currency is circulating currency. It acts as general equivalent exchanges in the process of commodity circulation, including tangible physical currencies and credit currencies such as banknotes and coins. 1. [Currency]: As a transaction medium that is circulating. The legal deposit reserve refers to a minimum reserve of commercial banks that must exist in accordance with the law. Excess reserve refers to the actual reserve of commercial banks and deposit financial institutions on the deposit account of central banks exceeding the legal reserve.
B: Central Bank of China Basic Currency, B1: Foreign Exchange Occupation, B2: Government Bond, B3: Re -loan, re -discounting, B4: central bank bill balance, C: currency, R: legal reserve, E: excess reserve.
b = B1 B2 B3-B4 = CRE.
The currency is circulating currency. It acts as general equivalent exchanges in the process of commodity circulation, including tangible physical currencies and credit currencies such as banknotes and coins. 1. [Currency]: As a transaction medium that is circulating. The legal deposit reserve refers to a minimum reserve of commercial banks that must exist in accordance with the law. Excess reserve refers to the actual reserve of commercial banks and deposit financial institutions on the deposit account of central banks exceeding the legal reserve.
B = B1 B2 B3-B4 = C R E
B: Central Bank of the domestic basic currency
b1: foreign exchange account
nb2: Government bonds
b3: re -loan, re -discount
b4: central bank bill balance
c: currency
nR: legal reserves
e: Excess reserve